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TRAINING (2.4.1)

The forum brings the latest scientific findings into the political and public discussion. It presents specific options for combating climate change in Switzerland. The topics of focus range from understanding climate change and reducing emissions to adapting to the consequences.more

Image: NASAmore

Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)

Logo von Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
In an attempt to develop solutions for socially relevant issues to the benefit of public welfare, transdisciplinary projects cross the boarders of individual professional disciplines. By doing this, their research also includes the perspectives of policy, economy, as well as civil society. Convinced of the additional value, «Network for Transdisciplinarity» (td-net) – as part of the Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences– promotes the advancement of this transdisciplinary research.
The td-net represents the central Swiss contact point for researchers and research sponsors in the field of interdisciplinary as well as transdisciplinary research and teachings. It takes on the role of a platform, which promotes reciprocal learning, irrespective of boarders with regard to subject matter, language or national frontiers, therefore contributing to the formation of a professional community. Being a competence center, td-net disposes of know-how, techniques and tools necessary for a coproduction of knowledge that inevitably will lead interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research projects and educational projects to success. The “swiss-academies award for transdisciplinary research” seeks to visualize exceptional conceptual as well as textual performance of transdisciplinary research in different areas of concern. Thus, it bestows a face on transdisciplinary research and renders it scientific recognition, which will consequently incite scientific offspring to proceed with state-of-the-art transdisciplinary research.

Year founded: 2003


Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern