TRAINING (2.4.1)

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Bild: NASAmehr

Award ceremony for the Prix Schläfli Physics 2019


16:00 - 17:00


University of Basel
Department of Physics
Lecture Hall 1
St. Johanns-Ring 25
4056 Basel


University of Basel

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) has awarded the Prix Schläfli 2019 to the four most important insights gained by young researchers at Swiss universities. Matteo Fadel has been awarded by the Prix Schläfli Physics for his findings in quantum mechanics.

Matteo Fadel: Prix Schläfli 2019 Physik
Bild: Universität Basel

Matteo Fadel will receive the Prix Schläfli Physics 2019 from Hans Peter Beck (president of the jury) and present the awarded work "The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in a many-body system".

The ceremony will be followed by an aperitif.

  • Matteo Fadel and Hans Peter Beck – Prix Schlaefli Physics_2019
  • Hans Peter Beck - Prix Schläfli Physics 2019
  • Matteo Fadel – Prix Schläfli 2019
  • Matteo Fadel and Hans Peter Beck – Prix Schlaefli Physics_20191/3
  • Hans Peter Beck - Prix Schläfli Physics 20192/3
  • Matteo Fadel – Prix Schläfli 20193/3


  • Nachwuchsförderung