TRAINING (2.4.1)

Il forum inserisce le informazioni scientifiche più attuali all’interno dei dibattiti politici e pubblici. Individua le linee d’azione concrete per i cambiamenti climatici in Svizzera. Focalizza sulla comprensione del cambiamento climatico, sulla riduzione delle emissioni e sull'adattamento alle sue conseguenze.di più

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14th Swiss Global Change Day


Luogo della manifestazione


As in previous years the Swiss Global Change Day in Bern is the platform where the Science Community of all disciplines meets and interacts. Key note speakers encompass topics of the physical climate system, the biochemical and geochemical processes and impacts, biodiversity and the human dimensions of global change. The poster session reflects the current research activities. There is ample of time to study these posters and to discuss. Seven travel awards honour the most attractive and comprehensive posters.

Teaser: 14th Swiss Global Change Day on 16 April 2013

This year the Steering Committee of the International Geosphere - Biosphere Program (IGBP) will participate in the event. There is an opportunity to discuss possible engagements in one of the IGBP Core Projects directly with them.


Lingue: Inglese