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Women's role in leading positions

Webinar N°2 within a series of nine webinars on gender equality and diversity


16:00 - 17:00

Critical times call for changes in the way leadership is expressed and implemented. This webinar will discuss value systems across gender, social status and ethnic diversity and the contribution of women to better outcomes in leadership styles, group dynamics and crisis management.

male and female scientists on red background
Immagine: pixelfarm

Gender-aware leadership and work for change

Prof. Anna Wahl, Professor (Chair) Gender, Organization and Management and Vice president for Gender Equality and Values at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

She will present her field of research, gender and organization, and moving from theory to practice, she will share some examples of work for gender equality, diversity and inclusion in different contexts. Focus is on the importance of raising awareness and knowledge on gender and diversity among managers and leaders to have an impact on organizational work for change.

“Think crisis-think female” – but why?

Prof. Clara Kulich, Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Times of crisis and uncertainty can be drivers of minority leadership preferences, a phenomenon labeled the “glass cliff”. What do different groups of people associate with minority leadership and why do we observe these glass-cliff tendencies? Do women and ethnic, racial and immigration minorities self-select into precarious career trajectories? What are the boundary conditions of this minority-crisis cocktail when considering the promotion and retention of women and other minorities, and organizational climate?

Women's role in leading positions
