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The New Global Connect: Mega-Infrastructure Projects and Their Local Impacts

New infrastructure developments promise progress, but seldom for local communities

The construction of large infrastructure for rapid and efficient means of transportation or green energy production from large wind or solar farms is often tied to hopes of development and prosperity for local communities. However, often, such developments do not meet these expectations, because local communities are excluded from the decision-making process and lose access to their resource base, their living space and livelihood opportunities. Co-determination is an essential prerequisite for local sustainable development through infrastructure projects. Such a process ensures that due consideration is given to different impacts and consequences, perspectives, power dynamics as well as opportunities for participation. Research is necessary to better understand these important dimensions and how to enable, facilitate and implement effective and equitable co-determination.

The New Global Connect: Mega-Infrastructure Projects and Their Local Impacts

Dichiarazione Pagina: 4
Numero standard: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7594906

Fonte: Haller T, Joniak-Lüthi A, Oberlack C, Lundsgaard-Hansen LM, Hurni K, Weissman S (2023) The New Global Connect: Mega-Infrastructure Projects and Their Local Impacts. Swiss Academies Factsheets 18 (1)


  • Infrastruttura


Dr. Fabian Käser
Commissione per i partenariati di ricerca con paesi in via di sviluppo (KFPE)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna

Inglese, Tedesco, Francese