TRAINING (2.4.1)

Das Forum bringt die aktuellsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse in die politische und öffentliche Diskussion ein. Es zeigt konkrete Handlungsoptionen zum Klimawandel in der Schweiz auf. Die Fokusthemen reichen vom Verstehen des Klimawandels über die Minderung von Emissionen bis zur Anpassung an die Folgen.mehr

Bild: NASAmehr

Solar Variability and Climate - Joint ProClim- / ISSI Forum

2 July 1999 in Bern



During the last years the discussion about the influence of solar variability on climate change has been intensified. Since a long time it is known that variations of solar radiation influence the temperature on the earth's surface. However, since the direct effect by known physical processes is much smaller than the observed changes, this topic received only little scientific attention. As a consequence the Second Assessment Report of the IPCC handled the topic with less care than probably would have been necessary.

Teaser: Solar Variability and Climate - Joint ProClim- / ISSI Forum


Sprachen: Englisch