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Bild: NASAmehr

16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2018, Bern

A Habitable Planet


Von Roll Areal
Fabrikstasse 1
3012 Bern

One of the most fundamental and fascinating questions in science is why there is life on Earth. What makes our planet habitable and what is, for example, the role of plate tectonics in planetary habitability. Geoscientists not only play a crucial role in studying the evolution of planet Earth and the origins of life, but their studies can also contribute to maintaining our planet habitable and liveable for future generations.

Logo SGM 2018

Friday 30th:

The theme of the Plenary Session is “A Habitable Planet”.

We have invited four keynote speakers to discuss various topics related to “A Habitable Planet”.

  • Bernard Marty(Université de Lorraine, Nancy) will present his ideas on the origin and early evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere.
  • Lindsay Stringer (Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds) will talk about land degradation and desertification.
  • Kathryn Goodenough(British Geological Survey) will discuss rare earth elements in the context of demand and global resources, and will consider challenges for future generations.
  • Ben Marzeion(University of Bremen), will evaluate the influence of glacier melting on sea-level rise and discuss its consequences.

We Scientists 2035 workshop "Let’s co-construct the future of research together"

Saturday 1st:

23 scientific symposia will cover cover the diverse spectrum of current research in geosciences, encompassing the lithosphere, the atmosphere and the anthroposphere.

The SGM also provides the ideal environment to foster informal contacts and discussions among scientists, in particular during theSwiss Geoscience Partyon Friday evening but also at the poster sessions on Saturday. Time is reserved for two poster sessions, at which the authors will be present for active discussion and feedback.


  • Geomorphologie
  • Geowissenschaften
  • Human- und Wirtschaftsgeografie, Humanökologie
  • Hydrogeochemischer Kreislauf
  • Hydrogeologie
  • Hydrologie
  • Hydrologie, Limnologie, Glaziologie
  • Klimaarchive
  • Klimatologie, Atmosphärenphysik, Aeronomie
  • Kryosphäre
  • Mineralogie
  • Paläontologie (Erdw.)
  • Permafrost
  • Quartär
  • Schnee
  • Seismologie
  • Wasserkreislauf

Abstract submission
Abstract submission deadline: 31.08.2018

Registration Deadline: 31.10.2018

Students/PhD Students CHF 45.-
Delegate CHF 75.-
Students/PhD with Geoparty CHF 65.-
Delegate with GeoParty CHF 95.-
For the first time there will be children day-care during the meeting. The day-care is free of charge but the places are limited thus it is recommended to make the reservation soon enough.
Sprachen: Englisch