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Edit Wikipedia


16:00 - 18:00

Learn to share your research on Wikipedia and contribute to a more balanced encyclopedia


Wikipedia is one of the most commonly visited websites in the world. Beside YouTube it is the most popular source of information on scientific topics. However, there is comparatively little information on topics in the Global South or on perspectives of the Global South. Help us to improve and balance Wikipedia by sharing your research and knowledge on the platform and thus reaching a broader public. With this course, we support you to write your own Wikipedia article or to improve existing articles.

During a first online workshop on 2 May 2022 you gain insights from ‘Wikipedians’ in how Wikipedia works behind the scenes. You learn how different topics and controversies are discussed and how articles are developed. At the end of the workshop you have the basic knowledge and tools to edit articles on the online encyclopedia and you are ready to create your own novel articles about topics of your research.

Following the workshop, we support you to write your own article. In several online follow-up sessions on 16 May, 13 June, 15 August, each at 12.15 CEST, you can ask questions and we share our experiences on writing Wikipedia articles. The responsible for the workshop support you in case of insecurities and questions. But even outside the official meetings you can ask them for advice.

During an online closing event on 24 October 2022 16-18h CEST we present all the articles we have created and edited. The closing event will also be a chance to exchange best practices and connect for future cooperation.

This course is for researchers at all stages of their career and we especially encourage researchers from the Global South to participate at our workshop. Sign in and help to improve Wikipedia!


  • Encouragement de la relève


Dr. Fabian Käser
Commission pour le partenariat scientifique avec les pays en développement (KFPE)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne

Langues : Anglais