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TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le forum apporte les dernières connaissances scientifiques au débat politique et public. Il présente des options concrètes d'action sur le changement climatique en Suisse. Les thèmes abordés vont de la compréhension du changement climatique à la réduction des émissions et à l'adaptation aux conséquences.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

5th Swiss Global Change Day

5 April 2004 in Bern

Lieu de l'événement


On 5 April 2004 ProClim- organized the fifth Swiss Global Change Day in Bern. The already established yearly meeting provides a platform where the Swiss global change research community can meet as a whole. About 220 participants took the opportunity to discuss current problems in a transdisciplinary manner with the invited provocaters Rudolf Burger from 'Der Bund', the director of IHDP Barbara Göbel and Hans-Peter Fricker, CEO WWF Switzerland. Well known experts presented new findings, highlights and challenges in the broad field of global environmental change research.

Teaser: 5th Swiss Global Change Day


Langues : Anglais