TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le forum apporte les dernières connaissances scientifiques au débat politique et public. Il présente des options concrètes d'action sur le changement climatique en Suisse. Les thèmes abordés vont de la compréhension du changement climatique à la réduction des émissions et à l'adaptation aux conséquences.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

The IPCC Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report is based on the reports of the three Working Groups of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), including relevant Special Reports. It provides an integrated view of climate change as the final part of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5).

Summary for Policymakers: IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

The Extended Synthesis Report follows the structure of the longer report, which addresses the following topics:

  • Observed changes and their causes;
  • Future climate change, risks and impacts;
  • Future pathways for adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development;
  • Adaptation and mitigation.

