TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le forum apporte les dernières connaissances scientifiques au débat politique et public. Il présente des options concrètes d'action sur le changement climatique en Suisse. Les thèmes abordés vont de la compréhension du changement climatique à la réduction des émissions et à l'adaptation aux conséquences.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

INQUA: Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains

Congress 21-27 July 2011 in Bern, Switzerland

Lieu de l'événement


Once every four years, Quaternary researchers from all over the world meet at the INQUA Congress to exchange the latest research results and develop agendas for the years to come. In 2011, the Congress will take place in Bern, the capital of Switzerland.

Teaser: INQUA: Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains
Image : Bern and the Mountains

During the Quaternary (the last 2.6 million years) the Earth has repeatedly undergone substantial climatic and environmental changes that interfered with ecosystems and social systems. The Quaternary therefore povides a rich and ever-fascinating palette for research that aims to better understand the dynamic processes on the Earth’s surface.
The event at a glance


Langues : Anglais