TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le forum apporte les dernières connaissances scientifiques au débat politique et public. Il présente des options concrètes d'action sur le changement climatique en Suisse. Les thèmes abordés vont de la compréhension du changement climatique à la réduction des émissions et à l'adaptation aux conséquences.en plus

Image : NASAen plus



Seventh Assessment Report (AR7)

Updates on currently ongoing activities will be published as soon as possible


Current state: Scoping meeting planned in 2024. Outline and timeplan to be approved in February 2025.


Current state: Scoping meeting planned in 2024. Outline and timeplan to be approved in February 2025.


Current state: Scoping meeting planned in 2024. Outline and timeplan to be approved in February 2025.

Methodological report on Carbon Dioxide Removal, Capture, Utilisation and Storage Technologies (CDR)

Current state: Scoping meeting planned in 2024. Outline and timeplan to be approved in February 2025.

Methodology Report on Short-Lived Climate Forcers (SLCF)

Current state: Call for authors and review editors launched. Outline and timeplan approved with finalisation foreseen in 2027.

Swiss experts involved in the Scoping Meeting: Claudia Mohr (Paul Scherrer Institute PSI)

Special Report on Climate Change and Cities (SR Cities)

Current state: Call for authors and review editors launched. Outline and timeplan approved with finalisation foreseen in 2027.

Swiss experts involved in the Scoping Meeting: Yongling Zhao (ETH Zurich), Géraldine Pflieger (University of Geneva)


Dr. Urs Neu
ProClim − Forum sur le climat et les changements globaux (ProClim)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne