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TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le forum apporte les dernières connaissances scientifiques au débat politique et public. Il présente des options concrètes d'action sur le changement climatique en Suisse. Les thèmes abordés vont de la compréhension du changement climatique à la réduction des émissions et à l'adaptation aux conséquences.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

17th Swiss Global Change Day

12 April 2016 in Bern

Lieu de l'événement

Freies Gymnasium
Beaulieustrasse 55
3012 Bern

The Swiss Global Change Day is the event where the Science Community of all disciplines meets and interacts. The aim is to present recent highlights in global environmental change research as well as to point out challenges for future research. The poster session reflects the current research activities. There is ample of time to study these posters and to discuss. Travel awards honour the most attractive and comprehensive posters.

Teaser: 17th Swiss Global Change Day

Posters can be submitted in the following categories:

  • Geosphere/Biosphere
  • Atmosphere/Hydrosphere
  • Human Dimensions
  • Biodiversity
  • Sustainability/North-South Partnership
Deadline to enter the poster contest: 31 March 2016.
Criteria for the poster evaluation
Format of the Poster A0 (either landscape or portrait format). To enter the contest, you must send us a PDF of the poster by 31 March 2016 (max 10 MB) for the jury evaluation.

Freies Gymnasium
Beaulieustrasse 55
3012 Bern
Map of the location

ProClim- Forum for Climate and Global Change
Swiss Academies of Science
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7 | Postfach
3001 Bern
+41 (0) 31 306 93 50

Location Swiss Global Change Day
Location Swiss Global Change Day


Langues : Anglais